Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our Menagerie

I still can't seem to get pictures where I want them! I'll keep practicing. I'd like to introduce our "other children". You would think that having half of each week with no kids at home, that Brent and I would get bored. But, we solved that problem by adding a menagerie of other little children (who seem to need more care than any of the kids!) to our home. Moose, you might guess, is the big black dog. He's been with Brent and the girls for 10 years now. He's getting kind of grey and is having some hip trouble, but considering how much he lays around relaxing, he should have plenty of energy to live a long, long time! Bandit and Sasha are our little Shi Tzu's. They were our Christmas presents to ourselves 4 years ago. They are both sweet, sweet little dogs... but they come with their own issues! The birds belong to Caitlin. Their names are Rain (the blue one) and Tweety (the yellow one). They are entertaining, but definitely not friendly! The fish belong to Jennah and have just joined us in the last month. They were a school project that seemed to make their way into our home. We've had so much fun with them, that Santa brought all the kids a bigger aquarium for Christmas. We haven't set it up yet, but next weekend when everyone is home again, we plan to take a trip to the pet store for another few mouths to feed! Geeeesh! (We sent the chickens to live with Grandpa for the winter... but that's another story!)